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Tips for Finding a Non-Toxic Couch

Learn how to create a healthier and safer home environment by choosing non-toxic furniture for your living space.


Non-Toxic Living Room Furniture

Since the coronavirus pandemic hit, people are spending more time in their homes than ever before in modern history. Our homes have been converted into offices, schools, daycares, and are the center of dates and family fun night. “Staying in” is the new “going out”. But, what does this mean for your health and wellness? Many people don’t realize that their home environment can have a significant impact on their overall health, particularly the immune system due to various chemicals and toxins that can be found in many of today’s household products and furniture. With this information in mind, and having a history of chronic health issues and allergies, I spent months researching and shopping for a clean couch for our new home. I decided to share my experience in this blog to help others with this process.

Did you know that your living room furniture could be toxic?

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. I was pretty naive to this subject matter until this year. As a certified integrative nutrition coach, my education and experience taught me so much about the foods I consume, the products I use on my body, and the products I clean my home with, but I had not yet opened my mind to the possibility that the furniture I bring into my home could have an impact on my environment and health. This is one of those “you live and you learn” scenarios for me, and I did the leg work and am sharing my story in hopes that my experience can help others avoid these toxins and protect their air quality and home environment, especially as many of us prepare to hunker down in our homes for the foreseeable future.

What is that New Furniture Smell?

That new furniture smell is not what you may think it is. Many couches have 100% petroleum-based foams infused with flame retardants, formaldehyde releasing frames and chemical treated leather or fabrics. On top of that, couches can also contain toxic glues that make them even more harmful. My family learned about toxic furniture the hard way when we bought a sectional couch from a national furniture chain for our new home this year.

The couch we purchased was modern, affordable and fit our space nicely, but there was one major flaw—it came with a strong chemical fumes that did not go away. At first, we thought the smell was just because it was new and had been wrapped-up and we expected that it would dispute quickly, but we tried everything from opening windows (during below freezing temperatures in the Chicago winter), to vacuuming the couch with a HEPA filter, running a high-quality air purifier, diffusing essential oils, and setting out bowls of vinegar for days—nothing could overcome or even cover the strong chemical fumes coming from that couch. When I started digging into what those fumes could be, the stench became even harder to tolerate, and so did the physical issues. For starters, my husband (who never has health issues) fell asleep on the couch for two consecutive nights after watching TV and he woke up each morning with sinus congestion symptoms. My five-year-old spent a considerable amount of time on the couch as well, and he started getting bloody noses for the first time in his life. My allergy and neurological issues were also through the roof, seemingly out-of-nowhere, and I felt like my body was constantly having an allergic reaction to something. We all knew something was not right with our environment and we started avoiding the couch until we could dig into some details on the materials.

We found out that the lingering strong chemical fumes from the couch were most likely due to dangerous off-gassing from VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) such as formaldehyde and ethanol. If the fumes weren’t bad enough to smell, the physical irritation (nose bleeds, headaches, eye and throat irritation, dizziness) we experienced after sitting or laying on the couch for extended periods of time sent us over the edge, and we made the decision to return the couch as soon as possible. To our surprise, the well-known national furniture company refused to provide transparency about what materials were in the couch and how we could fix it. It became like a second job for my husband and I to try to get information from the company, we spent hours on the phone and we were passed around from department-to-department, and my husband even visited the retail location in-person to attempt to get answers, but we were met with continued frustration. Since they wouldn’t provide any concrete information on the materials in the couch we purchased, we assumed the worst, and decided this couch had to G-O! From that day on, I set out on my mission to find the cleanest, safest couch for our home evironment, and that is what led us to buying our clean couch at Room & Board.

The Health Dangers of VOCs in Furniture

When I started to research this topic on my own, I couldn’t believe the information that I found about what types of chemicals could legally be used in couches, especially those imported from other countries. I was appalled to learn that the off-gassing VOCs from couches have been known to cause cancer, immune system dysfunction, central nervous system damage, hyperactivity and even infertility! In fact, within the last decade, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and health advocates forced flame retardant chemicals called polybrominated diphenyl ethers, or PBDEs, from the furniture market. These chemicals were showing up in alarming amounts in people’s bodies. The research suggested that they disrupted hormone signaling and children’s developing brains and nervous systems. In 2008, Environmental Working Group tests found that toddlers’ blood contained nearly three times the levels of PBDEs of their parents’ bodies. Previous studies have also shown that exposure to or ingestion of PBDEs may cause diabetes, liver problems, and thyroid disease, as well as adverse effects on the nervous, immune, and reproductive systems.

The scary part not everyone realizes is that the cancer risk from long-term exposure to these VOCs can show up down the road in the future. Chemicals and carcinogens don’t always cause an immediate reaction in a person, but they can build-up in our bodies and cause us to be at a much higher risk for serious health and immune system issues later on in life.

We Bought a Clean Couch from Room & Board


We (my husband, son and I) visited over 10 furniture stores and spent dozens of hours online viewing hundreds of couches from manufactures across the country in search of a non-toxic couch that was aesthetically pleasing, the right configuration we needed, and also fit our strict requirements for air-quality and health purposes. Room & Board was one of our very last stops, which when we decided to go with them—I of course wondered why didn’t we find them sooner! But, when all is said and done, I am glad we went through this extended search and challenge because it has allowed me to dig deeper and share my wisdom and acquired knowledge with others. Knowledge is power when it comes to your health and home environment.

How to Shop for a Non-Toxic Couch

According to the Environmental Working Group, Room & Board was one of the first furniture companies to lead the pack when it came to removing flame retardants from their products. When I learned about Room & Board, I reached out to them to see if they would like to collaborate with me to share my authentic experience, so I could get the full story on their company, take photos, and provide accurate and helpful information to others. Not only does Room & Board offer stylish and comfortable furniture, but some of the cleanest and most sustainable couch options I have come across. When you are searching for a clean couch there are several important details to consider.


Avoiding VOCs in Couches and Furniture

A big issue is that many furniture manufacturers still use toxic materials in their couches, from adhesives to foam to finishes. In fact, many of the materials used in furniture construction can contain carcinogenic (cancer-causing) chemicals called VOCs. We can’t always avoid VOCs and toxic chemicals entirely because they are contained in so many products and places around us, but you can greatly minimize your exposure and risk at home by choosing safer products for your environment. It is important to know what materials to watch out for, and which furniture companies are ahead of the curve when it comes to these serious health concerns, such as Room & Board.

Toxic Couch Materials to Avoid for Safer Air Quality

Avoid PBDE/flame retardants

Look for the TB117-2013 label

According to a U.S. Government Publishing Office paper in 2017, Flame retardant chemicals are linked to cancer, reduced IQ, and hyperactivity. The Environmental Working Group says that looking for the label is a good place to start in order to avoid PBDEs. The label is typically found under a couch cushion or on the seat of the couch. It should read: “The upholstery materials in this product contain NO added flame retardant chemicals.” If it is unclear or you cannot find the label, ask the manufacturer’s customer service representatives whether chemical fire retardants were added to the product.

According to tests conducted by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and other consumer safety groups, flame retardant chemicals weren’t very effective against fires when added to furniture in the first place, and it eventually became clear that they might negatively impact the health of the people who brought them into their homes. Fortunately, many companies have since complied with California's SB-1019, starting in 2015, to remove these harmful flame retardants from their couches and upholstered furniture. But, its always important to double-check on these potentially harmful materials, when in doubt ask questions.

Avoid Furniture with Stain-guard and Water-repellant Treatments

It is important to find fabric with no finishes or treatments. As enticing as these “Scotchgaurd” add-ons may be, it is in your best interest to avoid these treatments unless they are eco-friendly or proven to be non-toxic. To my knowledge, many national furniture stores have actually started to phase these processes out due to their harmful history. During our shopping experience, we were firsthand told by multiple furniture retailers that they are not using stain-guards anymore because of the cancer-risk.

These stain protectant treatments often contain perfluorinated chemicals, or PFCs, which have been not only been linked to cancer, but also reproductive problems, birth defects, developmental delays and immune system suppression. To protect furniture from spills and pets, choose a washable cover or more durable material and fabric instead. It is a good idea to obtain information from the furniture manufacturer up front regarding best cleaning practices, so if an accident or spill occurs you can be ready and armed.

Avoid Formaldehyde Adhesives

Be aware that furniture made with plywood or particle board frames typically use glues that can emit potentially dangerous formaldehyde fumes. If you are unable to avoid composite wood, choose models that either have low-VOCs, no added formaldehyde or are certified by the California Air Resources Board to emit the lowest levels of the chemical. Formaldehyde is a naturally occurring substance so you may not be able to avoid it entirely, but you can definitely lower the emissions risk by choosing a brand that does adhere to the California guidelines. Today, there are safer alternatives such as water and soy-based resins. An easy and upfront way to approach this question is to ask if the furniture is “California Compliant” for Formeldahyde emissions.

Avoid 100% Polyurethane foam cushions

Polyurethane foam is a petroleum-by product that releases VOCs. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), exposure to some of the main ingredients of polyurethane foam – isocyanates – can cause a range of negative health effects, including asthma, lung damage and respiratory problems and damage and skin and eye irritation. If possible, it is recommended to try to avoid 100% poly foam cushions as they can contain higher levels of these VOCs. Companies are now offering poly-blend cushions which lowers the emissions risk. Some cleaner, more non-toxic options include down feathers, soy blends, organic latex, or rubber material to fill the cushions.

Avoid Particle Board and Formeldahyde-emitting Frames

Particle Board is contained in many couches and pieces of furniture, which often off-gasses high levels of formeldahyde due to the toxic adhesives and glues used in the manufacturing process to hold it together. Particle board is manufactured from wood chips, sawmill shavings, or even sawdust, and a synthetic resin. You can lower the level and risk of formaldehyde emissions by choosing a couch with a hardwood frame.

Engineered hardwood is another option, that is more prevalent today, that is highly resistant to warping, cracking and splitting. But, engineered wood still uses some type of adhesive and finish, so it is important to look for wood that is manufactured and finished with low or zero VOCs. Some better options include water-based or soy-based resins vs. traditional solvent-based glues and stains.

Avoid Chemical Emissions in Fabric

When it comes to fabric, finding material that is Greenguard Gold Certified can help lower your emissions risk. This certification adheres to the strictest emission guidelines to date when it comes to fabric and furniture materials, and is often used to help ensure products are safe for use in spaces like nurseries, schools, and healthcare facilities. All products that earn the Greenguard Gold certification are tested for chemical and particle emissions in dynamic environmental chambers. Measured emission levels are converted by calculation to air concentrations representing what a person will actually breathe.

In addition to the Greenguard Gold Certification fabrics made from natural fibers are a good place to start. Some cleaner fabric options include certified organic fabrics such as linen, cotton, hemp, and cotton/hemp blends.

Avoid Imported Materials When Possible

When it comes to furniture, made in the USA is usually your best bet. While it may not always be possible to get furniture entirely made in the United States, knowing the origin and manufacturing history and practices is a crucial part of determining the potential toxicity. Couches that are imported are more likely to contain toxic materials and chemicals used in the manufacturing and shipping process. Transparency is key, and if a company cannot or is unwilling to provide that information than that is usually a red flag as we learned from experience.

Our New Non-Toxic Couch from Room & Board

The York Sectional from Room & Board

The York Sectional from Room & Board

Fortunately, there are some cleaner and safer options you can choose that will allow you to relax peacefully on your furniture. Adhering to our checklist, at the end of our journey, we chose The York Sectional from Room & Board. It was the perfect size, configuration and color scheme for our living room space (as pictured above). The couch is so chic, but still functional for our family area. Also, due to chronic neck and pain issues I deal with from nerve damage, comfort was also an important component in our couch search. I needed a couch that was firm enough to support my spine, but still comfortable enough for to lounge around on. The York was the combination of exactly what we needed, the cushions are supportive, but comfy. This couch is worth every penny for the aesthetic value, functionality, and safety it provides your home. A couch is something you are going to live with daily usually for a long time (sometimes decades), so why would you cut corners?


One of the other appealing features at Room & Board is that you can customize the couches to meet your needs including the fabric and color scheme. The fabric we chose for the York Sectional is called Sumner Linen, and it is Greenguard Gold Certified, which was important to us as mentioned above. The fabric does not have a stain-repellent finish and the cushions are filled with a combination of down and feathers instead of 100% poly-foam like many couches at national furniture chains. Fabric durability was also a factor with a child and pet, and we love the material—which so far has held-up great! We were actually able to put the fabric to the test this summer during a popsicle incident (we don’t eat messy food on the couch, so this was a freak accident that the popsicle got flung into the air). The small drip marks and spots came right off with just water and a microfiber cloth, no cleaners or stain removers were necessary, phew!

Ashley Iovinelli on The York Sectional from Room & Board.                    Photo: Mary-kate Schaudenecker

Ashley Iovinelli on The York Sectional from Room & Board.

Photo: Mary-kate Schaudenecker

Additionally, I love that the York Sectional was made in the USA, as that was another important component from our safe furniture checklist. We also were able to find very direct information regarding the materials and formaldehyde emissions from looking at the couch label located just under one of the couch seat cushions. Room & Board also provides transparency on their website and furniture collateral at their brick and mortar locations.

No New Furniture Smell

I can honestly say that there was no new furniture smell this time and zero VOCs when we received our new couch from Room & Board. We were able to fully enjoy the couch from the first day forward, without any hesitation. Everything from the customer service to the shopping experience was positive, which is another reason I felt compelled to share my authentic story and feedback.

Finding Non-toxic furniture can seem like an overwhelming process. But, if you choose a transparent company like Room & Board, it should be simple to answer the important questions on your checklist. If you can avoid many of the chemicals and materials mentioned above, you can lower your risk of being exposed to dangerous VOCs and can feel safer about the furniture you bring into your home environment.


Self-Care and Wellness at Sundara Spa in Wisconsin Dells

sundara Spa | wisconsin dells | wellness retreat

Over the 4th of July holiday, my family headed-up to Lake Delton, Wisconsin to rent a house for some socially-distanced relaxation and outdoor fun together! While in Wisconsin, I was fortunate to be able to spend a day at Sundara Inn & Spa, located on the scenic outskirts of Wisconsin Dells. Some guests of the spa are referring to Sundara as a “Luxury Quarantine” as it is safely tucked away in the woods near Lake Delton.

My spa day was filled with unwinding, relaxing and of course social distancing. Sundara has taken numerous actions and precautions to ensure wellness, cleanliness, and safety. The entire facility was treated with a Bio Protect treatment which protects surfaces from viruses for an extended period of time. Additionally, guests are monitored with temperature checks upon arrival and other cleaning and health protocols have been added to help ensure guests’ safety.

Sundara is an easy drive from the Chicago area, just about two and a half hours northwest. Our family travels to this area of Wisconsin every year for the beautiful outdoor activities including: swimming, golfing and variety of restaurants and activities for the kids to partake in. While this year’s trip looked a bit different due to coronavirus, we still had a much-needed, wonderful time! Sundara is also within driving range of Madison and Minneapolis. The spa makes for a perfect solo-vacation, couples or group getaway, or wellness retreat.

Self-Care is Not Selfish

I booked my spa day to nurture my body, mind, and soul because one could argue that in the era of coronavirus self-care is more important now than ever. No matter where you live or who you are, the last three months have most likely been stress-filled and challenging. And I can’t “stress” enough the importance of taking care of yourself, because as the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

One of my favorite guidelines at Sundara is that the spa is electronic free, so it truly is a chance to unplug, disconnect and focus on healing the mind, body, and soul. With the constant flow of information and news today, a good digital detox is crucial to help regulate our nervous system, calm the mind, and reset our body. As a mom and chronic illness fighter, I know firsthand how important self-care is and that spending a day at Sundara not only benefitted myself, but my family as well.

Sundara Signature Massage


One of the spa therapies I received was the Sundara Signature Massage. This massage is customized to your specific stress-relief and body needs and includes the selection of an aromatherapy essential oil. I chose the uplifting and invigorating citrus oil for my massage. My other go-to scent is usually lavender, but I wanted to feel refreshed and energetic for the remainder of my day with my family afterwards.

Benefits of Massage therapy

Did you know that there are numerous benefits to massage therapy beyond stress relief and relaxation? Massages help to improve circulation, reduce pain, eliminate toxins, reduce fatigue and improve quality of sleep. Massages can also even enhance immunity for some people. Research has indicated that receiving regular massage therapy can help boost our immune system by flushing toxins and increasing blood flow throughout the body. It can increase the level of white blood cells which help our body fight disease, and also helps to reduce the production of cortisol. (

“Researchers working with patients with compromised immune systems have found massage therapy can improve how the immune system functions. Those same benefits can translate to people seeking to fight off the common cold, flu and other seasonal illnesses,” says Jeff Smoot of the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA).

Due to the effects of neurological lyme disease, I often have muscle spams and nerve issues, so the massage helped to soothe my sore muscles and provided a much needed reset and relaxation. I felt very safe throughout the service and the therapist took several precautions including wearing a mask and sanitizing the space before and after the massage.

Massage Therapy at Sundara Spa

Sundara offers a range of massage services besides the Signature Massage, including a CBD Massage, Elements Hydrotherapy Massage, and Marma Ayurvedic Massage to name a few. I had the Marma Massage last year and that service was wonderful and healing as well. The Marma Massage even incorporates a ritual foot bath. Before your massage, you are able to relax in one of the peaceful waiting rooms (seen below) where you can curl up with a good book or simply just be.


Mindfulness and Guided Meditation at Sundara

Sundara also offers a wide-array of daily wellness activities and classes. Prior to my massage, I participated in a 45-minute Guided Mediation class that was very beneficial for me. The class took place in one of Sundara’s “Tranquil Spaces” called the Woodland Reflection Room. The space is outlined with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the forest for a peaceful connection with nature and wildlife. Animals such as white-tailed deer, eagles and birds, and even woodchucks are often spotted in their natural habitat. Wooden rocking chairs and chaise loungers are lined in front of a warming fireplace and serene artwork, which complete the relaxing space.

The guided meditation class was led by an experienced instructor who vocally walked us through the entire 45-minute practice. We collectively chose the theme for the meditation to be gratitude, which spoke to my soul because gratitude is something I try to include in my every day life. Gratitude has positively impacted my life over the last couple years physically, mentally, emotionally, and even financially. I am a firm believer in the power and healing of gratitude, especially when incorporated into a meditation practice. The guided meditation was broken down into three sections which included breath-work and guided imagery. It was the perfect mix of challenging and relaxing for me.

Benefits of Meditation

I was thrilled that Sundara offers Guided Mediation because this is a practice I have been trying to further incorporate into my daily life this year. Meditation is said to be exercise for the mind. According to Headspace, there are thousands of studies that have shown mindfulness meditation can positively impact both mental and physical health. Meditation helps to control stress and anxiety, and can help improve sleep and pain.

According to ScienceDirect, an eight-week study showed that mindfulness meditation reduced the inflammation response caused by stress. Typically, mental and physical stress cause increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. This hormone triggers many of the harmful effects of stress, including the release of inflammatory chemicals called cytokines. (Those with lyme disease know about cytokines all too well).

Through the practice of meditation, we can work on building-up areas of our brain and actually rewire it. The rewiring of the brain enhances positive traits such as focus and decision-making and helps to diminish harmful traits including fear and stress.

Healthline explains that meditation can even help improve pain in some individuals. A large study looked at the effects of habitual meditation in over 3,500 participants. It found that meditation was associated with decreased complaints of chronic or intermittent pain. While I haven’t personally seen long-term effects on my chronic pain yet, meditation has offered short-term pain improvement and I am hopeful that if I stick with it I will begin to notice more positive physical impacts and changes.

The Mission of Sundara

In everything we do, our mission is wellness and service. We provide a sanctuary from stress, a healing touch, a kind word, a place to reconnect. We set an example of love and respect for the earth. We embrace the joy of wellness in our own lives.
— Sundara

I highly recommend Sundara to anyone looking for stress-relief, relaxation or simply to unplug. Even though the spa is only a couple hours from home, it really feels like you are in another place away from the world while you are there. They take your health and wellness seriously, which includes precautions surrounding coronavirus. What I loved though is that the precautions in place didn’t take away one bit from the atmosphere and experience of Sundara, they were very intentional and mindful with the implementation of their health and safety protocols.

Since opening in 2003, Sundara’s mission has been wellness in all that they do and remains all the more so today, even during these difficult and uncertain times. In 2019, Sundara was named a “Top Wellness Destination Spa” by Organic Spa Magazine, and one of the “20 Best Destination Spas” by Town and Country Magazine.

Sundara also features a restaurant with chef-prepared cuisine inspired by the farming way of life in Wisconsin. The spa has both indoor and outdoor pool areas for relaxation and socialization, and the indoor pool area includes a swim-up bar. After my spa services and meditation, I spent some time by one of the beautiful outdoor pools where I ordered a healthy and delicious lunch. I opted for a summer salad with spinach, goat cheese, grapes, and pecans and the vegetable hummus spread, which included freshly-cooked green beans, tri-colored carrots, warm pita bread and cucumbers.


Visit Sundara Spa in Wisconsin Dells

While I only spent a day at Sundara, the resort offers spacious and relaxing lodging options so you can choose to spend an entire weekend (or week) focused on self-care, healing, enjoying nature and pampering yourself. To learn more about what Sundara Inn & Spa in Wisconsin Dells has to offer visit the website here.



Global Lyme Alliance Raises 2.5 Million Dollars at 2019 Annual Gala in NYC

The Fifth Annual Global Lyme Alliance Gala was held in New York City on October 10th. The event raised over $2.5 million to support lyme disease research.

ashley-iovinelli-2019-global lyme gala.jpg

Attending the 2019 Global Lyme Alliance Gala


I am honored that I was able to attend the 2019 Global Lyme Alliance Gala with my husband, Nick, last week in New York City. I feel so much gratitude for Global Lyme Alliance hosting this wonderful event, and for the over 700 attendees who came together in Manhattan on October 10th to support lyme disease awareness. This was GLA’s largest fundraising gala to date—way to go!!

And to be honest, I feel grateful that I was physically well enough to travel and experience this inspiring and memorable evening because as many people know, lyme doesn’t take days off, regardless of what our plans may be.

The Evening’s Events

The venue, located at Cipriani on 42nd Street, was decorated by Lawrence Scott Events, and looked nothing short of magical! The photos can’t even fully capture the elegance. The evening commenced with a cocktail hour (hors d'oeuvres provided by Aureole) and red carpet photos, followed by a delicious dinner menu inspired by Chef Charlie Palmer. The main program featured motivational speeches from the host of the evening, Rosanna Scotto of Good Day New York, GLA leadership, and lyme disease survivors and advocates. Dinner was proceeded by an exciting live auction, which raised over $600,000! The night concluded with entertainment by Big Apple Circus, and a musical performance by TONY-Award Winner Santino Fontana.

Some of the program’s speakers included: Global Lyme Alliance CEO, Scott Santarella; GLA chairman, Robert Kobre; entrepreneur and lyme patient, Bob Kelly; former vice-chairman of Millennium Partners and father of three lyme survivors, David Nolan; and founder of WellBe and patient advocate, Adrienne Nolan-Smith;

The gala program also featured a powerfully produced film which depicted the debilitating and often heartbreaking symptoms of neurological lyme disease on a young mother and her family. This short film really hit home to me and raised crucial awareness to the often overlooked symptoms of late-stage lyme. The film was very well produced, and I felt was a very accurate depiction of what a person battling this progressive disease can go through on a daily basis. It is this kind of awareness that is key to getting more people involved in the fight because they can better understand what life is like for lyme patients and why the research is needed.

Oh, what a night!

The gala was an inspiring evening from the beautiful decor and the memorable speeches, to the amazing food, and remarkable conversation. The room was filled with people who are passionate about finding a cure and delivering hope to lyme patients and their families worldwide.

I was able to connect with other lyme warriors from around the world, and meet some of the hard-working individuals who support GLA. The message was spread that lyme disease has no boundaries, and it can happen anywhere and to anyone; regardless of their age or current health status. It is now estimated that lyme disease could impact up to 2 million individuals by 2020.

This is why it is so important to continue to support organizations like GLA who are leading the way with innovative research to not only discover better treatments, but to help diagnose tick-borne disease earlier, and to even educate the general public on preventative measures.

What does Global Lyme Alliance do?


The Global Lyme Alliance provides a strong community for those battling lyme disease and their families during what can be considered the most lonely and unpredictable time in a person’s life. GLA offers invaluable resources including a doctor directory and peer-to-peer mentoring program to help people with lyme disease find the help they need to combat this insidious disease. GLA has helped over 100,000 lyme patients and their families with referrals for lyme-literate MD’s across the country.

They work with some of the top scientists and researchers in the field conducting ground-breaking studies and trials to further advance the testing and treatment of lyme and tick-borne diseases. GLA’s world-class scientific advisory board follows a rigorous process approved by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to award research grants based on scientific standards. The funds raised by this gala and other GLA events throughout the year go directly towards supporting research and programs that will advance the scientific knowledge of tick-borne diseases, and ultimately finding a cure.

When you have lyme disease there is just something so uplifting about meeting others who “get it” and can truly understand your journey.

You Dont get it until you get it

As my friend and fellow lyme warrior, Katie said, “there are communities of people you never wish to be a part. But, once you become a part of that community, you can’t imagine walking through life without them.” I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment, and words cannot expresses my gratitude to Global Lyme Alliance and all that they have done for my family.

When I was first diagnosed with late-stage lyme disease my husband and I didn’t know where to turn because we had experienced rejection from numerous doctors, hospitals, and infusion centers in Illinois, which forced us to seek treatment out-of-state. We were also abandoned by our insurance company, and even some of our friends and family members didn’t understand the seriousness of lyme disease and the impact it had on us physically, emotionally, and financially. It was around this time that we were first introduced to the GLA community on social media.

I started talking with other lyme warriors online, and my husband and I attended the Chicago GLA fundraisers and connected with others who were going through the same experience as us, and we started to find our strength again, for the first time in awhile we had hope again. And today, I am proud to call those fellow lyme warriors and advocates my friends. I am proud to share my story and advocate alongside these strong, resilient and talented individuals.

Attending the gala only further fueled the passion within my heart to continue advocating and sharing my story to help others find the support, resources and the help they need. Lyme disease is a difficult journey that no one should ever have to take on alone. I am already looking forward to next year’s gala and have begun to challenge myself to try to figure out ways I can contribute to the cause in a more impactful way.

Once you choose hope, anything is possible!
— Christopher Reeve

My hope in sharing my experience at the gala is that my fellow lyme warriors can find comfort and hope in knowing that there is an incredibly powerful community working on our behalf to not only raise awareness for lyme disease, but to ultimately find a cure! It is amazing what we can accomplish when we’re in it together!

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats

Pumpkin Pie Overnight Oats is fall favorite recipe that is sure to get your morning off to a great start!! It’s easy to prepare, and will fuel your body for the day. Save the leftovers for a quick on-the-go breakfast or snack!

Recipe yields 2 servings



  • 2 cups organic quick oats

  • 2 cups almond milk

  • 1 cup organic pumpkin puree

  • 2 tbsp Agave in the Raw or 1 tbsp Honey

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds

  • 1 tsp organic pumpkin pie spice (can find at Whole Foods bulk section)

  • Ground Cinnamon

  • Handful of Pecan halves or your choice of topping


  1. In a bowl mix 2 cups of organic quick oats, 2 cups of almond milk, 1 cup of organic pumpkin puree, 2 Tbsp Agave In The Raw or honey, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 Tbsp hemp seeds, 1 tsp organic pumpkin pie spice, and a dash of cinnamon.

  2. Can keep in bowl or transfer to a mason jar or glass container. Let the mixture sit overnight or until it sets, and then add crushed pecans on top. Can eat cold or warm-up, this recipe yields two servings.


TIP: To save money you can find some of these ingredients in the bulk section of your grocery store and only buy what you need 

My Wellness Experience at Sundara Inn + Spa in Wisconsin Dells


Sundara Spa | Wisconsin Dells | Midwest Spa Resort

Sundara Inn & Spa is located just three hours northwest of Chicago in Wisconsin Dells. Sundara invited me to spend a day with them on my recent family trip to Wisconsin Dells and I share my experience below.


If you’re in need of a relaxing get-away, look no further! Sundara Inn & Spa is THE destination for an ultimate Midwest spa weekend that can destress your body and energize your soul! People travel from all over the country to visit Sundara, which is tucked away in the forest, on the outskirts of the Dells—the property is serene! It is about a 3-hour drive from Chicago, which in my opinion is the perfect distance for a mini retreat—far enough away, but not stuck in the car all day.

I have been under heightened stress the last couple months, so this was the perfect addition to my trip to release tension and supplement my healing journey. Self-care is crucial to healing, because as the saying goes, “you can’t pour from an empty cup.” I have been to many spas over the years, but none of them can really compare to the feeling of wellness and abundance that Sundara offers.

Sundara is a True Wellness Spa

From the moment I arrived for my spa experience, I was impressed by the beautiful aesthetics, peaceful energy and warm welcome from the management and staff. Sundara’s main mission is wellness, and it shows. The spa and resort provides a sanctuary away from stress and seeks to embrace the joy of wellness. While all of the common-areas are electronic and cell phone free (which I LOVE), there are also spaces to connect with light conversation including the Cambrian Oasis with pools, waterfalls, and both indoor and outdoor swim-up bars. You can also dine with friends on the Savana Dining Patio that has a beautiful outdoor fireside seating area.


Local and Organic Dining in Wisconsin Dells

Speaking of dining, I was also very intrigued by the on-site restaurant, Nava, which serves Chef-prepared cuisine inspired by local farming in Wisconsin. Sundara’s wellness cuisine and restaurant has been recognized in Travel + Leisure and Luxury SpaFinder magazines. The best part to me was that they even have their own indoor garden stocked with everything from kale and tomatoes to a variety of nutrient-packed microgreens. As a certified integrative nutrition coach, I really care about where my food comes from, and I can honestly appreciate the hard-work behind sourcing your own produce, especially in the Midwest with the challenging weather and fluctuation seasons. (see garden pictured below)


Ayurvedic Massage and Finding Your Dosha


After I toured the restaurant and resort area, I headed to the Relaxation Room to wait for my massage. My first treatment was an Ayurvedic therapy known as the Marma Massage. This isn’t like your typical basic, swedish massage. This unique treatment integrates healing energy work. The Marma Massage is a mind/body balancing treatment focused on releasing energy blockages throughout the body using Ayurvedic massage techniques. A massage therapist works with your meridians, chakra centers and marma (vital energy) points to enhance your body’s natural healing abilities.

The treatment also incorporates warm herbal oils to balance your specific mind/body type also known as your dosha. Prior to the massage, I filled-out a brief questionnaire to help determine my dosha. It was no surprise that I checked off many of the qualities of a pitta. There are three main Doshas you can fall under.


From the Chopra Center, “Pittas have a powerful intellect and a strong ability to concentrate. When they’re in balance, they are good decision makers, teachers, and speakers. They are precise, sharp-witted, direct, and often outspoken. Out-of-balance pittas can be short-tempered and argumentative.”

The Ayurvediuc principles are nearly 5,000 years old and focus on creating an ideal state of being through bio-energy and spiritual practices. Following the Dosha analysis, the treatment began with a ritual foot bath. My feet were washed with a detoxing cleansing bar followed by a light application of oils. The authentic Ayurvedic massage uses long flowing strokes to release energy blockages within the body. After the massage, I received a Dosha-specific tea to help further detox any impurities and rehydrate. I felt really good after the massage, I strongly believe in the power of energy healing and I think it is important to work on re-balancing your chakras especially if you are dealing with any sort of illness or dis-ease in your body.


Sundara Offers Organic Facials and Skincare Line

After my massage, I headed to the Radiance Room where I sipped on fruit-infused water and relaxed on one of the private chases. I received the Organic facial which is naturally healing facial customized to your skin care needs—in my case that included treating residual dryness from the winter and some minor dark spots from sun damage and hormones. My facial included products from the Eminence line, which I absolutely LOVE and use at home myself. I have been using Eminence skincare products for almost five years now and have been very pleased. They are plant-based, organic products that feel luxurious and smell delicious, the strawberry-rhubarb mask is one of my favorites!

Your skin is the largest organ, so I always tell people they should be mindful of what they put on it. Staying away from chemical-based skincare is not only better for your skin, but your overall health and wellness. The duration of the facial was about an hour, and it was very relaxing with a mini-massage and mask treatment. My skin was smooth as a baby’s bottom and naturally-glowing for a few days after.

Himalayan Salt Room at Sundara

After my facial, I was able to check-out the Himalayan Salt Room. I have been to salt caves/rooms back home before, so I was already familiar with the many benefits. This room was refreshing and vibrant. I can’t quite describe the relaxing feeling of having that pink salt below your feet—similar to walking on sand at the beach. Using salt for wellness benefits is also known as halotherapy.

How Does a Salt Room Work?

The negatively charged ionized salt and trace minerals that are present in the salt room’s atmosphere are said to help to naturally draw toxins and impurities out of the body, reduce inflammation, and even improve respiratory ailments like asthma or bronchitis by clearing the lungs. Some skin conditions can also be improved with halo therapy including psoriasis, rashes, eczema, and acne. Many people also receive stress-relief and similar benefits to meditation from the deep relaxation provided. Sundara has one of the only Himalayan Salt Rooms in the area.


Other Features at Sundara Spa


Some other notable features at Sundara include the yoga room and purifying bath ritual. The multi-purpose yoga room is outlined with floor to ceiling windows which overlook the forest, and on a good day you can truly be one with nature including many deer and other wildlife. I did see several deer just outside the window while I was in the room. (yoga room pictured)

Throughout the week, Sundara offers a full-schedule of activities and fitness classes beyond yoga including cooking lessons, meditation and water aerobics, to name a few. There are many different comfortable seating rooms you can relax in throughout the resort—the perfect place to curl up with a good book, practice meditation, or maybe even take your first nap in years!

Purifying Bath Ritual

Another feature unique to Sundara is the “Purifying Bath Ritual”. It is a five-step self-guided proprietary treatment designed to cleanse the skin, and clear the mind before spa services, or can be enjoyed anytime as an overnight guest of Sundara. It includes a rainfall shower, exfoliation (with Sundara’s signature sandstone body polish which uses ancient Cambrian-era sand discovered at the spa’s excavation site as the exfoliating agent), steam room, cooling rainfall shower and rotation between a hydro-jet hot tub, and cold pool for circulatory and muscular benefits. For the ritual, you follow a circular path, repeating the steps (above) as much as you desire, and it is recommended to allow yourself at least 30-minutes to compete the ritual.

Spend a Weekend at Sundara Spa in Wisconsin Dells

If you would like to extend your spa experience beyond a day, Sundara offers suites and overnight packages for individuals, couples, and even group retreat options. If you book, maybe I’ll see you there because I know I will definitely be heading back. Even though I only spent a day there, the benefits are still lingering over a week later, and I am grateful for the opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes experience at the spa! If you are interested in learning more about Sundara or the types of services offered, visit their website.

One Pan Chicken Fajitas


This ONE PAN RECIPE is easy to prepare and cook! With prep and cook time, this delicious meal can be done within 30 minutes (20 minutes of which you don’t need to do anything while the oven does all the work). More good news is that this recipe is kid-friendly!!

The below recipe feeds two adults with potential leftovers for the next day or could be enough for one meal for a family of 4. Don’t be afraid to add more chicken and veggies and increase the seasonings if you want more fajitas! I sometimes make TWO PANS for recipes like this so we can have them for lunches or a second quick dinner during the week ;)

One Pan Chicken Fajitas Recipe

Cut-Up chicken breast (1lb) 
Sliced bell pepper (I used 2)
1/2 red onion peeled and cut 
1 tbs organic extra virgin olive oil
1 tbs cumin 
1 tsp chili powder 
1 tsp paprika 
Handful of fresh or 1 tbs dried cilantro 
1 pressed garlic clove
Salt + pepper to taste 


Directions: Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix all ingredients in large bowl and then add to sheet pan. Cook for 20-25 minutes. That was easy!!

Garnish with lettuce and gluten free shell. (Pictured is an almond flour shell) Can also add optional organic shredded cheese, hot sauce and a dollop of plain greek yogurt (as a sub for sour cream).

One Pan Sausage, Asparagus + Sweet Potatoes

sweet potato-chicken-recipe

One Pan Recipes are meant to make your life easier! You can significantly cut-down on cooking time without sacrificing the taste or nutritional benefits of a healthy meal! I can’t stress enough the importance of using high-quality meat for this recipe as sausage can come with lots of unwelcome preservatives and fillers. I recommend getting organic when possible, and if not look for the nitrate-free varieties.

One Pan Sausage, Asparagus and Sweet Potatoes Recipe


  • 1 package of organic mild chicken sausage (or preferred flavor.

  • 2 sweet potatoes

  • Bunch of asparagus

  • Everything But the Bagel Seasoning

  • Pink salt + pepper

  • Extra virgin olive oil

chicken-sweet potato-one-pan.jpg


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

  2. Cut up sausages, dice sweet potatoes and cut the ends off of the asparagus.

  3. Add to sheet pain and drizzle with olive oil, Everything But the Bagel Seasoning (I got it from Trader Joe’s), pink salt and pepper.

  4. Cook for 25-30 minutes.

    If your sausage is precooked already may want to remove it from oven sooner than the veggies, depending on the consistency you like (we prefer that grilled taste so I leave it in for the duration).

  5. Let the pan cool and serve using spatula for easy removal.

**DIY Everything But the Bagel Seasoning

The Everything But the Bagel Seasoning blend is a favorite in our house for breakfasts, lunches and dinners! If you don’t have it handy, you can easily make your own blend! It consists of sesame seeds (white and black), sea salt flakes, dried minced garlic, dried minced onion, and poppy seeds. Combine the ingredients and sprinkle on the meat and veggies.

TIP: If you like spicier food, by all means you can use a hot or seasoned sausage blend instead. The mild version we use has a little bit of a kick to it already, so combined with the seasoning it’s quite flavorful.

Experience Calm with Natural Vitality

Natural Vitality CALM Magnesium offers several benefits when added to your daily routine.

It’s no secret that magnesium is a crucial mineral for overall health and wellbeing. About half of Americans don’t get enough magnesium from their diet and supplementation can offer benefits for many people. Magnesium is well-known for its stress relieving and calming properties. Its list of benefits ranges from preventing migraine headaches to insomnia.

I have used supplemental magnesium into my daily routine for over a year now, and I have first-hand felt and experienced the benefits. I don’t skip a single day of taking magnesium, because I know how powerful and important it is for my body. In the spirit of embracing a more restful and relaxing 2019, I was given the opportunity to try out a magnesium supplement called Natural Vitality CALM. I was very impressed with the quality, taste and ease of the product. Below I share more about my experience and the proven benefits of adding magnesium to a wellness routine!

What is Natural Vitality CALM?

Natural Vitality CALM Magnesium Supplement

Natural Vitality CALM Magnesium Supplement

Natural Vitality CALM is a fruity, light, dissolvable powder that promotes healthy magnesium levels and balances calcium intake when mixed in with beverages—helping you to feel more grounded and calm throughout your day, or as you rest and go to sleep. Magnesium is a vital mineral supports so many important bodily functions that keep you healthy from day-to-day. The award-winning product is made with high-quality ingredients. It is sweetened with stevia (a plant-based sweetener), and is verfied non-gmo. The light-weight powder is naturally flavored raspberry-lemon, so it is a great addition to a green smoothie or to liven up a plain glass of H2O!

My Story with Magnesium


Many magnesium supplements I have seen and tried are what I call “horse pills” because they are such large capsules that they are very difficult to swallow, and I have had to crush them or break them in half, which is just a mess and as you can imagine tastes awful! Being able to take the Natural Vitality CALM magnesium in a dissolvable form has been a much-welcomed change to my wellness routine! You simply just add the power to a drink of your choice or glass of water.

I started taking magnesium when I was diagnosed with frequent migraines from undiagnosed lyme disease. I was a little skeptical at first about how a simple supplement could really help the awful migraines I was experiencing a few times a week, but to my surprise once I was taking magnesium regularly for several months I did notice a reduction in my migraines. Some other benefits I experienced fairly quickly were less muscle spasms, and the ability to relax in the evening and fall asleep easier when I was stressed out or my body was in pain.

As a certified integrative nutrition coach and chronic illness warrior, I am a big fan of this product and utilizing magnesium as a part of a self-care routine to help combat stress and other health issues.

When to Take Magnesium?

Magnesium can be taken in the morning or evening depending on your own personal preference and routine. It can help you to jumpstart your day in a calm state-of-mind, or help you wind down in the evening and relax your muscles and body, so you can more easily fall asleep. There are so many benefits to adding magnesium into your daily regimen. How and when you decide to take it, is up to you!


What are the Benefits of Magnesium?

Magnesium Can Boost Your Mood

Magnesium can boost your mood and promote relaxation. Studies have shown that people who have a magnesium deficiency are more likely to develop depression, anxiety and mood disorders. In fact, it has been shown that magnesium can work just as well as an anti-depressant in some cases.

Magnesium Balances Blood Sugar

Magnesium helps control blood sugar levels. Many studies have shown that higher levels of magnesium in your body are correlated with a lower risk of developing diabetes.

Build Healthy Bones with Magnesium

Magnesium is also crucial for your bone health. Along with Vitamin D and calcium, magnesium helps support the building of healthy, strong bones. Some experts say that boosting your calcium levels without increasing your magnesium could render the calcium ineffective. It is crucial to keep a balance of 2:1 with calcium and magnesium in your body.

Magnesium Can Help Hypertension

Magnesium is also said to lower you blood pressure, however it is important to note that studies have found this is only true for people who already have high blood pressure, and that magnesium may not have a preventative impact on those with normal blood pressure levels.

Migraines Can be Caused by Magnesium Deficiency

Additionally, some people, including myself, use magnesium as a migraine preventative. Studies have shown that many individuals who have migraines are actually magnesium deficient and therefore supplementing with the mineral decreases the frequency of their migraines and headaches.

Magnesium Can Help fight Inflammation

Magnesium also is said to have some anti-inflammatory properties. People who have chronic inflammation many times are also magnesium deficient. Adding magnesium to your regimen when you suffer from a chronic inflammatory condition can potentially help improve your symptoms.

Where to Buy Magnesium?

If you have any questions about Natural Vitality CALM or want to experience the benefits for yourself you can visit or Amazon to learn more or purchase the product today!

Natural Vitality CALM Magnesium mixed in with Tropical Green Smoothie

Natural Vitality CALM Magnesium mixed in with Tropical Green Smoothie

Tropical Calm Smoothie Recipe (shown above):

  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1 banana (cut into pieces)

  • 1 handful of kale chopped

  • 1 handful of spinach leaves

  • 1 small peeled kiwi

  • 1/4 cup fresh raspberries

  • 1/4 cup frozen pineapple

  • 1/4 cup frozen mango

  • 2 tsp Raspberry-Lemon Natural Vitality CALM magnesium

I always blend my smoothies in layers to get the best taste and texture! I blend the banana, almond milk and magnesium powder first to create a smooth consistency. Next, I blend in the greens, and lastly I mix-in the fruit one-by-one. Blend until the smoothie has an even texture. It may take an extra couple minutes to do it this way, but I can promise the better quality is worth it! Enjoy!

If you have questions regarding your magnesium levels or whether or not magnesium is right for you, be sure to consult your doctor or health care provider as this article is not to be taken as medical advice.