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Why Hire a Health and Nutrition Coach?

As of 2012, about half of all adults--117 million people--had one or more chronic health conditions, and that number continues to grow. Health coaches can offer the guidance and motivation these individuals need to overcome their challenges and regain a greater level of health and well-being. As a health coach, Ashley's goal is to inspire, guide, and support clients to create sustainable lifestyle changes that allow them to be healthy, feel good and live their best life now! You don't have to be sick to benefit from working with an integrative nutrition health coach. 

What does a health coach do?

Health and nutrition coaches educate and support clients to achieve their wellness goals through lifestyle, nutrition, and behavioral recommendations. Health coaches utilize evidence-based skillful conversation, clinical interventions and strategies to actively and safely engage clients in these health and lifestyle changes. They are considered highly educated guides in the fields of nutrition, wellness, bio-individuality and mentoring. 

What education does ashley have as a health coach?

I am certified (as recognized by the State of New York State Education Department) to work with clients as an integrative nutrition health coach, and I have received my education from one of the world's largest nutrition schools, the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. The certification includes over 760 clock hours of integrative nutrition education. I learned over 100 different dietary theories, self-care and stress management techniques, and was exposed to cutting-edge science and research within the fields of nutrition and healthcare, led by some of the country's leading holistic health and wellness experts.

Some of my lecturers at IIN included:

  • Dr. Walter Willett, Chairman of Nutrition at Harvard University

  • Dr. David Katz, Director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center

  • Dr. Andrew Weil, Director of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine

  • Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bestselling Author + Integrative Health Expert

  • Dr. Mark Hyman, Medical Director at Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional Medicine

  • Dr. Marion Nestle, Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition at NYU

My education also covered: sleep problems, cravings, anxiety, stress management, relationship building, and personal development.  I have experience in recipe development related to a wide-range of regimens including: gut health, gluten-free, anti-inflammatory, paleo, vegan, and plant-based. 

What is the wheatgrass warrior approach to health coaching?

My mission is the empower clients to make positive and lasting changes to their health. As someone who has navigated the challenges of chronic illness, I have a deep understanding of what it is like to have your life completely turned upside down by a health issue. I look at each individuals's unique needs and help support them in designing a plan of action to achieve their goals. Wellness is not simply limited to eating well, but it also encompasses relationships, and our mental and spiritual health too.

overcoming chronic illness + health challenges 

 There is the familiar adage: “Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.”

This old adage demonstrates the difference between "fixing" a patient and coaching a client. Medications can be life-saving and beneficial for acute and serious health issues, but some chronic conditions often require more than western medicine intervention. The problem with ONLY utilizing the "band-aid approach" is that it doesn't provide patients with all the tools they need to really thrive on their own in the long-run. Hiring a health coach is the perfect compliment to your regular medical care. As a health coach, Ashley helps motivate clients to figure out "how to fish" for themselves so they can live a healthier, more rewarding life and enhance their body’s ability to heal from within.

How is a health coach different than a registered dietician or nutritionist?

Health coaches can compliment the work of a registered dietitian or nutritionist, and often team-up with these practitioners to provide the best possible support for a client. Working to become a registered dietitian or nutritionist requires a bachelors degree, and an additional two years in school, plus an internship. You also must take a test to get your license to practice in most states. Many (not all) Registered Dietitians teach based on the American Dietetic Association and the USDA guidelines for what we should eat, which is not based on an organic or holistic mindset.

As a certified health coach from IIN, Ashley studied nutrition and wellness from a holistic approach, which includes a year of classes and lectures from some of the top health and wellness experts in the world, and over 100 dietary theories.  Health coaches also acquire knowledge regarding how to help individuals balance other important aspects of their life such as: career, physical movement, spirituality, stress management, and relationships. Health coaches often work as a part of team of practitioners which can include nutritionists, registered dietitians, primary physicians, chiropractors, psychologists, and personal trainers or fitness experts. 


Does a health coach offer meal plans?

No, within the scope of my practice as a certified health coach, I do not offer complete individual customized meal plans. However, as an experienced recipe developer, and through my strong foundation on dietary theories, I am able to offer hundreds of healthy recipe suggestions, meal options and complete grocery lists. I am also working on releasing several new regimens, recipe e-books, and do-it-yourself meal planning kits that will be available for download.

My practice and education emphasizes the concept of bio-individuality and I can provide you the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively piece together and tailor your meals to meet your own needs and nutrition goals.

Interested in Health and Nutrition Coaching?

Learn more about the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and what health and nutrition coaching entails by visiting the IIN website.